Black Jack Wiki
Maestro Mozoroff
IMG 0202
Vital statistics
Title Violinist
Gender Male
Race Japanese
Faction Violinists (Formerely)
Level Skilled Violinist
Status Alive
Location Japan





Maestro Morozoff is a world-famous violinist who sat beside Black Jack on a plane ride from Tokyo, using a route through the North Pole. The passengers on board stayed in an Eskimo village until the blizzard died down and a rescue team could come. He considers his violin to be his son. When he went out to search for his violin, he caught a severe case of frostbite. Because Black Jack left his medical equipments in the plane and the blizzard snowed in the door, Black Jack couldn't do anything. Realizing he couldn't play anymore when he saw his dead fingers on a tray, Morozoff decided to retire. When the blizzard came to an end, they buried his fingers near the village. When they left, the couple that let the passengers stay, found the violin. They decided to bury it with Morozoff's fingers.


He is a skilled violinist.

== Trivia ==
